Early Morning - Original Oil - $9,000

Early Morning – Original Oil – $9,000

View of Two Lakes – Original Oil $$5,000

First Light In Crawford Notch Original Oil    Sold

Shore Road – Original Oil $1,900

Sunrise Over Winnipesaukee – Original Oil $5,000

Early Light - NH Seacoast

Early Light – NH Seacoast $5,000

This is a selection of pieces by Christine Knight Coombs.

ChristineKnightCoombsChristine paints representational watercolors of scenes that capture a pause in time. Christine talks about her work, “As an artist, my goal is to bring moments of beauty to the viewer, to provide a way for him or her to reconnect with their own emotional memories. My intention is for the viewer to feel the moment on that cold, clear day  when the subjects pause to take in, with all of their senses,  the surroundings  and beauty of the world around them.  Beauty,  joys of relationship and inner serenity – these are the subjects I seek to express through my paintings. The messages in my paintings may be simple or complex.  Sometimes a message may appear to be the former, when truly it is the latter.  The viewer decides the depth of his own experience.  Although all of the elements of painting (such as form, composition, color and light) hold equal importance, it is light that gives the most expression.”

Christine says “In my paintings,  I wish to document the beauty of the moment.  Within that moment is a story.  It may be a story that reminds the viewer of a well known or forgotten feeling or it maybe a story that he or she may wish to escape .  For all who experience my paintings, I hope to provide inner nourishment, renewal and reconnection with the beauty within them and around them.”

Art education began for Coombs at the age of six by  taking lessons after school.  She was trained by numerous private teachers,  Rhode Island School of  Design and Syracuse University School of Art.   Her award winning work is part of many private, corporate and government collections including movie stars and well known figures of the business world.  She has illustrated children’s books, covers for national sporting magazines and catalogs, such as Down East Books.  Christine has been featured in a demonstration article and cover for the Artist Magazine.