Original Watercolor Framed $500

Original Watercolor Framed $500           Maryann Goblick

Maryann Goblick

I grew up in Quincy, Massachusetts, but as an adult I lived in other states for 20 years.  I returned to Massachusetts in 1980.  Growing up I won recognition for my art in grade school and high school but then life intervened: marriage, children, and a long career practicing law.   During those years, painting was not a part of my life.

In 1995 while visiting Camden, Maine, I came upon books on how to paint in watercolor.  My husband noticed and insisted on buying me an instruction book and a few basic supplies. I began painting as time allowed.  I was self-taught until I retired. Then I began taking classes and workshops with local and nationally-known artists.  Since my husband and I lived in Wayland for many years, I was able to avail myself of the classes, resources and art venues of Metro-west and Boston.  After my husband passed away I continued to live on in Wayland, but during the pandemic I realized I needed to be nearer to family.  I moved to Brookfield, New Hampshire, a small town that abuts Wolfeboro, where I am near a son and his wife, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

I paint in a representational style in watercolor, pastel and oil, but watercolor remains my first love.  The peaceful beauty of the Lakes Region is a new inspiration, but I have had to adjust my focus.   There is less interest in still life, florals and the like and more on landscape and outdoor scenes.

I had been painting on my own since I moved to Brookfield, but this summer I joined a group painting en plein air, and we are continuing to paint as a group indoors during the winter.

I am a Signature Member of the New England Watercolor Society, of which I am especially proud. Other achievements include New England Watercolor Society shows; Concord (MA) Art Association Juried Shows; Concord (MA) Art Association Francis N. Roddy Open Competition; Guild of Boston Artists Annual Regional Painting Competition, The Bennington (VT) Center for the Arts Laumeister Fine Art Competition; solo show at The Betty Meyer Gallery, Auburndale MA (2019).

My paintings can be seen at Frost Heave Brewery, Brookfield, NH and gallery representation at The Art Place, Wolfeboro, NH.